International Festival of the Templars
In the wake of the considerable success achieved by past editions, the innovative "International Templar Festival" makes its return, conceived and directed by Simonetta Cerrini, historian and essayist, expert of Templars, and by Gian Piero Alloisio, singer-songwriter and playwright. The Festival is produced by ATID managed by Gian Piero Alloisio with the active participation of the City of Alessandria, in association with Alexala, CulturAle - ASM Costruire Insieme, the association Cultura e Sviluppo and supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria.
This year, the theme will be "Apocalypse of the Templars": the evenings organised in the square will have the following themes:
- Thursday 29 June: The first crusade and the apocalyptic wait
- Friday 30 June: The Apocalypse in the Templar library
- Saturday 1 July: The Templars in the Apocalypse
The final event on Sunday will be dedicated to "Jerusalem, city of last Times".
Information and contacts
Telephone: +39 380 452.2189