Alessandria Theatre Season: "L'ULTIMA ESTATE - Falcone e Borsellino 30 anni dopo"

09 April 2024

L’Ultima Estate. Falcone e Borsellino 30 anni dopo looks back over the last few months of life of the two magistrates from Palermo. Well-known and lesser-known facts, such as the stations of the cross, outside of the news and away from the commiseration, tell the strength of those men, their humanity, their deep sense of State. But also the happiness, irony, anger and, above all, the loneliness to which they were condemned. The civilian diary of two men, not two heroes.

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L’ULTIMA ESTATE - Falcone e Borsellino 30 anni dopo

by Claudio Fava
project by Simone Luglio
directed by Chiara Callegari
with Simone Luglio and Giovanni Santangelo
voice-over Luca Massaro
sets and costumes Simone Luglio
original music Salvo Seminatore
lighting design Massimo Galardini
production Emilia – Romagna Teatro Fondazione ERT/ Teatro Nazionale in association with KNK Teatro
a project realized with the collaboration of Fondazione Teatro Metastasio of Prato and Collegamenti Festival
foreign tour in association with the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Tuesday 9 April at 9 pm at Teatro Alessandrino di Via Verdi 12, as part of the prose season organised by the City of Alessandria and Piemonte dal Vivo with the participation of ASM Costruire Insieme, “L’ultima estate – Falcone e Borsellino 30 anni dopo” with Simone Luglio and Giovanni Santangelo directed by Chiara Callegari based on the original text by Claudio Fava.

L'Ultima estate is a project by Simone Luglio, directed by Chiara Callegari based on an original text by Claudio Fava, former President of the Antimafia commission in Sicily and already author of the script "I Cento passi".
On stage, Simone Luglio, Falcone in the RAI series "La Mafia uccide solo d'estate", and Giovanni Santangelo.
Begun for the Collegamenti Festival 2001 - Festival of legality of Canicattì (city tragically well-known for the judges Saetta and Livatino, both killed by the mafia) of which Simone Luglio is the artistic director, the show was presented in a study format in the presence of Fiammetta Borsellino and Leonardo Guarnotta, colleague of Falcone and Borsellino at the time of the Antimafia pool.
Since its debut at the Teatro Stabile of Catania in April 2022, the show has traveled throughout Italy, staged in theatrical seasons for the public and for larger audiences of students, as well as in small Municipalities and schools to reach the audience, even in peripheral
An intense tour in Italy and internationally during the thirty-year anniversary in association with the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which has touched important European and non-European theaters and theatre festivals and the most important Culture Institutes in Europe. These include the IIC of Paris for the thirty years of the Capaci massacre, 23 May 2022 or the IIC of Algiers which has organised a two-week tour in the most important cities of Algeria.
L'Ultima Estate was chosen as the inaugural show for the conference of the Italian Financial Police in Albania "Falcone e Borsellino 30 years later", which saw the participation of Senator Sandro Ruotolo, Bernardo Petralia, already Attorney General Proxy of the Court of Appeal of Appeal of Reggio Calabria and Ignazio Gibilaro, Lieutenant General and Inter-regional Commander of Southern Italy of the Financial Police.
In London, the show was presented by John Dickie, author of "Cosa Nostra. Storia della Mafia Siciliana", one of the most important texts to have ever been written on the Mafia.
L'Ultima Estate is also the first and at the moment the only theatre show ever to have been staged at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg, in June 2022, on the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The show was staged before all the Ministers, preceded by the presentation of Koen Lenaert, President of the Court of Justice of the European Union and by the then Italian Minister of Justice,
Marta Cartabia.
Classified second at the national INBOX 2022 award, in autumn of the same year the show won the "Premio Scudo", dedicated to characters and events of the cinema, TV, culture, journalism and sport, that have distinguished themselves in defending the principles of
For the association Avviso Pubblico, Local Agencies and Regions against mafias and corruption are on stage at the Teatro Sociale of Mantova within a series of meetings and initiatives "Raccontiamoci le mafie", in October 2022.
On 19 July 2023, anniversary of the massacre of via D'Amelio, the National Association of Magistrates, subsection of Agrigento, and the Local Bar Council present the show to the public, in the archaeological park of the Valle dei Templi, marking the milestone of 100 performances since its debut.

1992 is the year of the Capaci and Via D'Amelio massacre. A dramatic and crucial year, which changes Italian history forever. L'Ultima Estate. Falcone e Borsellino 30 anni dopo goes back over the last months of life of the two magistrates from Palermo. Well-known and less known facts, public and intimate, like the stations of the Way of the Cross to report out of the news and away from pity, the strength of those men, their humanity, their deep sense of State. Removed from the celebratory apparatus that made them crystallized icons, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino are told here in the most authentic and daily dimension, which takes nothing away from the sense of their battle, but completes them as human beings.

The civil diary of two men, not of two heroes.
"In this country remembering those who have been killed is like going to mass, a liturgy of verbs, gestures recited by heart... Instead, those dead people ask us something else to remember them for how they lived, not just for how they died".
A project which, starting in Sicily, has embraced the whole of Italy and has not stopped at national boundaries, because if the Mafia is an international criminal phenomenon, then Falcone and Borsellino are two heroes known all over the world.

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Don’t call them heroes. The show “L’ultima estate”, a project by Simone Luglio based on a text by Claudio Fava, retraces the friendship between Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino through their conversations that precede the maxi-trial, their humanity, worries, ability to joke to exorcise the fears of death.
But above all, it points the way: avoid celebrating them, but follow their example, every day.

“L’ultima estate”- with Simone Luglio and Giovanni Santangelo, directed by Chiara Callegari – goes on stage on 9 April at 9 pm, at the Alessandrino Theatre.

This is how AscoltAle begins, the podcast by the journalist Brunello Vescovi- also narrating voice - together with the association Tessere Territori, who guides listeners among the shows at the Teatro Alessandrino, for the prose season organised by the City of Alessandria in association with Piemonte dal Vivo and with the participation of ASM Costruire Insieme.
The AsoltALE project is supported by the City of Alessandria and ASM Costruire Insieme with the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria and the new episode of the podcast is now available on the institutional websites of the City and ASM Costruire Insieme – and on hosting platforms which will also make it available on apps like Spotify.

To access Episode 9 of AscoltALE entitled “L’ultima estate” the link is: (link is indicated below)

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